الحلقة التاسعة و العشرون من راديو اسأل مطور و ننشر فيها تسجيل للقاء السابع و الثلاثون من اللقاء الأسبوعي لمجموعة اسأل مطور, في هذا اللقاء ناقشنا هل أصبح لينكس منصة قوية للمطورين. و هل حان الوقت للمطورين للانتقال الى لينكس
- I've heard that before, why is this time different?
- The direction of the Windows platform.
- The new age of Cloud computing and vertical integration.
- Raspberry Pi and computers on a chip.
- Linux is now on more platforms than ever.
- Innovation in the Open Source space is much more than in closed source space.
- Moving to Linux as a User (on the desktop).
- Moving to Linux as a developer (on the server).
- Moving to Linux as a company.
- Moving to Linux as a country.
- Move to Linux if you are...
- Don't move to Linux if you are...
- Problems with moving to Linux:
- Hardware.
- High (technical) barrier of entry.
- Choice is good, but is too-much-choice good?
- The technical elitism of (some) Linux communities.